Annually, every limited company in the United Kingdom must file a Companies House form known as AR01.
Information on your business's directors, company secretary (if you have one), registered office, share capital, and shareholdings can all be found in the Annual Return.
Each year, businesses in the United Kingdom must submit a document to Companies House called a "Annual Return," which is submitted on Form AR01. A corporation's annual report is due on the date it was originally incorporated.
NEW: The Confirmation Statement has replaced the Annual Return as of June 30, 2016.
The Confirmation Statement will take the place of the Annual Return as of June 30, 2016.
In our detailed tutorial, The New Confirmation Statement: What is it, and how do I file it?, we cover all the information you need to know about this new form.
Directors of companies are required by law to submit an Annual Return.
You must submit an Annual Return as a director of a limited liability corporation. In fact, it's a crime if you miss the deadline for filing your Annual Return.
Penalties will apply if you either do not file your return or file it more than 28 days after your company's "made up date." Your company risk being removed from the Companies House database entirely.
Companies House will notify you by mail each year that your Annual Return is due. You have the option of filing electronically or requesting a hardcopy form.
Online Tax Return Filing
Submitting your Annual Return using the Companies House WebFiling system is the most convenient option. Due to its simplicity, you can file it on your own, though your accountant may volunteer to do so.
Companies House is understandably eager to encourage more efficient online filing. Because of this, the cost to file an Annual Return through its WebFiling system is only £13.
If you file your annual return online, you can take advantage of 'e-Reminders' that will prompt you just before the deadline.
Information regarding Companies House's 'WebFiling' service, which allows users to submit documents electronically, may be found here.
Filing an Annual Return using Form AR01 on paper.
You may still file your Annual Return with Companies House using paper form AR01, even though they recommend submitting electronically. In comparison to the online filing fee, the £40 paper filing fee is quite a bit higher.
Before you can utilise WebFiling, you must first register for it with Companies House. The registration process requires waiting for a password to be mailed to the company's registered office.
How comprehensive is a yearly return?
The Annual Return form includes the following fields:
Full Name of Organization Registration Number
Typical Organizational Structure (private, public, etc.)
Company registered address
Principal business activities
Information about the Company Secretary (if you have one)
Profiles of Company Directors
The ‘made-up date’ (the date to which the return is made up) (the date to which the return is made up)
Details on the issued share capital
Details on Shareholders
To what extent the company has been active in the market during the past 12 months
Details of share capital and shareholdings
A statement of capital must be included with the Annual Return if your company has shareholders.
The number of shares outstanding, their nominal value, the amount paid up or unpaid on each share, and the specifics of each class of shares in issue are all detailed in this statement.
The first AR01 filed following incorporation, as well as every third Return thereafter, requires a complete list of shareholders. Share transfer details from the prior year are, however, always required.